Are you a new or seasoned graduate student looking to get the most out of your graduate school experience? Consider investing in increasing your awareness of self and the environment around you through coaching with Dr. Latisha Franklin.
Grad School 101 eCourse
The Grad School 101 eCourse builds a bridge to your next level in higher education. Whether you are entering a master's or doctoral program, this self-guided, interactive program will help you build a solid foundation to stand on as a graduate student.
Space is limited.
Interested in a one-time coaching session?
One session on a topic of your choice.
Session must be completed within 3 months of purchase.
Cancellations must be made 8 hours in advance, or you will lose that session.
Interested in the holistic coaching package?
Complete 4 sessions on your choice of topic(s) and gain a holistic understanding of self.
Package must be completed within 3 months of purchase (excluding holidays).
Cancellations must be made 8 hours in advance, or you will lose that session.